A big thank you to all those who attending the Skerries Community Association 2024 AGM. It was a great opportunity to hear all the great activities being organised by each committee and to take the opportunity to recognise our Jim Quigley award winners.
Category Archives: Events
2023 Report: A Look Back on the Past Year
As every year in the run-up to the Annual General Meeting (to which everyone in Skerries is invited!), the chair and the committees of the Skerries Community Association look back on the past twelve months.
We have put together reports and photographs, which will be delivered to households in Skerries over the next week or so.
It will also be available in our community centre, in Skerries Library, Skerries Mills, and in some of the local supermarkets.
And we are also publishing it here (below), for your convenience.
Will we see you at the AGM? It will take place on Thursday 15 June from 8 pm in the Little Theatre, Old Schoolhouse, Skerries Community Centre. There will be refreshments!
Click on the link below if you’d like to see the full PDF.
2022 Report for the SCA and its Committees
The AGM is free but numbers are limited. Please register now on Eventbrite.

Registered Offices: Skerries Community Centre, Dublin Road, Skerries Co. Dublin
SCA Chair Jane Landy writes: Back in the chair plus arrivals and departures
It’s less than a year since our last AGM (4 October 2021) and Skerries and the world seem to be very different. An end to all Covid restrictions since March 2022 has meant that those committees who rely on holding in-person events have been able to get back to business. Back in September who would have thought that we would be welcoming people fleeing from war-torn Ukraine to our town? (See skerriesca.com/Ukraine for more.) And I find myself (an SCA old-timer) “back in the chair”, which is as enjoyable and fulfilling as ever!
Continue readingSkerries Community Association AGM 2022 and Signed SCA Accounts for 2021
The event is free but numbers are limited. Please register now on Eventbrite.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Skerries Community Association CLG (SCA) will be held online via Zoom on Thursday 23rd of June 2022 at 8 pm to transact the Ordinary Business of the Company, that is to say: –
1. To confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
2. To receive and adopt the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for year ended 31 Dec. 2021
3. To elect Directors to the Board of Skerries Community Association CLG
4. To elect Members to Skerries Community Centre Board of Management
5. To reappoint Dempsey Mullen as Auditors and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration
6. To transact any other business proper to an Annual General Meeting of the Company.
Dated this the 1st of June 2022, by order of the Board, Secretary.
NOTE 1. No person other than a Director of the Company retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors, be eligible for election to the office of Director at any general meeting unless, not less than three (i.e. 20 June 2022) nor more than 21 days (i.e. 2nd June 2022) before the date appointed for the meeting, there has been left at the registered office notice in writing, signed by a member duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which notice is given, of his/her intention to propose such a person for election, and also Notice in writing signed by that person of his/her willingness to be elected. [Nomination Form below].
NOTE 2. The names of candidates who have consented to stand for election to the Board of Management of the Community Centre, together with the names of their proposers and seconders, shall be given in writing to the Secretary, and shall be posted on the Community Centre Notice Board at least three days prior (by 20 June 2022) to the holding of the Annual General Meeting. [Nomination Form below].
NOTE 3. Copies of the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements will be available to members at the Community Centre and at www.Skerriesca.com at least seven days prior to the holding of the Annual General Meeting.
Nomination Form
Please click here to download the nomination form for printing. Copies are also available from the Community Centre.
For election to the Board of Directors of SCA CLG or to the Board of Management of Skerries Community Centre [please underline the Board for which you are nominating]
I wish to nominate ____________________________________ for election to the Board of:
Skerries Community Association CLG OR Skerries Community Centre Board of Management (underline one)
Printed name and signature of Proposer: ____________________ ___________________
I consent to my nomination for election
Signature of nominee _____________________ Date: __________________________
NB: Please return signed Nomination Form to the Community Centre by 20 June 2022 or by email to secretary@skerriesca.com
Signed Accounts for 2021
Click on Full Screen for best viewing. Also available to see here.
Skerries Cycling Initiative: Evening Cycles Around the Town from May 2022

It’s time to get out that bike and go for a Summer evening cycle around Skerries !
Starting and finishing at Skerries Mills car park on Thursday 26 May at 7.30 pm
The terms “herd immunity” and “critical mass” became all-too-familiar during the recent crisis.
How could cyclists achieve herd immunity, that is, immunity from the dangers of sharing the road with traffic?
The answer is to band together, forming such a large group that we become the traffic.

And so “critical mass cycles” have become a phenomenon that’s really putting safe cycle routes on top of the agenda all over the world.
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK is the European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility.
It promotes behavioural change in favour of active mobility, public transport, and other clean, intelligent transport solutions.
To celebrate and of course to participate, we at Skerries Cycling Initiative are planning a major critical mass cycle during that week. But we’ve no intention of waiting until September to get on our bikes. After all, it’s summertime at last!
We’re organising a series of summer “critical mass” cycles, starting on Thursday, May 26th. There will be further cycles on each of the last Thursdays in June July August and finally the big one in September.
We are aiming to double the number of participants each month and hoping to have at least 100 cyclists, scooterers and wheelers of all sorts at the first of the cycles. Do the maths! If this works we could have 1600 cyclists making our voices heard and having fun together in September.
The people of Skerries have told us time and time again that they are reluctant to cycle around Skerries because of the lack of safe cycling routes. Here is your opportunity to find out what it would feel like to cycle safely in Skerries with like-minded friends and family.
We also believe that the planners, councillors, officials and national politicians cannot continue to ignore the demands of 1000 very loud voices.
We’ve estimated that there are probably more than 5000 usable bicycles in Skerries.-So, it’s time to dust off, oil up and hop on your bike.
Be there, at 7.30pm on Thursday, May 26th.
This cycle will start and finish at Skerries Mills Bike Park- No! That’s not a typing error. Let’s reclaim our town park and our streets! See you there!
Skerries Cycling Initiative invites us all to join them at the 2022 Skerries St Patrick’s Day Parade
“Make Skerries Wheelie Safe”: Get on your bike for the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade!
Skerries Cycling initiative (SCI) wants you, your friends and family to dust off your wheels for this year’s Saint Patrick’s Day parade, and to hit the streets of Skerries with you and your machine decked out in your brightest and funkiest colours.
Will you join them? Let them know you’re coming here.
Kick-off at 3 p.m. on 17 March on South Strand. Assemble from 2.30 p.m. (tbc, they’ll send an email to all interested before the end)
Michael McKenna, Secretary of Skerries Cycling Initiative, writes:
Continue readingSkerries Cycling Festival 2021: How it turned out
Skerries Cycling Festival 2021: How it turned out
By Michael McKenna
Skerries Cycling Initiative’s first cycling festival took place on 22 August. It was a lot of fun and definitely something to build on it, going forward. We started off the day – a lovely one weatherwise – with a 5km and a 25 km cycles from Skerries Mills carpark. People of all ages and abilities, just as we hoped for, took part. This was to be a day for celebrating cycling as a healthy normal way of getting around, whether by you chose a simple one speed bicycle or something sleeker.

Undoubtedly the most eye catching and eyewatering entrant was Robin of Donabate’s Alpha-7 Velomobile, seen below as he chats with Brendan Grimes and Dermot Higgins.

To quote Robin:
Continue readingSkerries Cycling Festival 2021: On Yer Bike!
Let’s celebrate cycling!
Skerries Cycling Festival 22nd August
A festival to celebrate the Freedom Machine!

The good news: There will be a one-day Skerries Cycling Festival, even though the four-weekend Skerries Summer Festival had to be cancelled for 2021.
Skerries Cycling Initiative (SCI), part of Skerries Community Association, with support from Fingal County Council and Skerries Mills, is holding its first ever cycling festival and invites you invites you to come along.
The Skerries Cycling Festival will be all about encouraging people to integrate more active travel into their daily lives so that they can enjoy the fun and other benefits of cycling.
Continue readingSCA AGM 2020
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Skerries Community Association CLG (SCA) will be held online via Zoom on Monday the 19th of October 2020 starting at 8 pm to transact the Ordinary Business of the Company, that is to say: –
1. To confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
2. To receive and adopt the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for year ended 31 Dec. 2019
3. To elect Directors to the Board
4.. To elect Members to Skerries Community Centre Board of Management
5. To reappoint Dempsey Mullen as Auditors and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration
6. To transact any other business proper to an Annual General Meeting of the Company.
Dated this the 15th Day of September 2020, by order of the Board, Secretary.
Members wishing to participate in the online AGM should register on the SkerriesCA Eventbrite page.
NOTE 1. No person other than a Director of the Company retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors, be eligible for election to the office of Director at any general meeting unless, not less than three (i.e. 14th October 2020) nor more than 21 days (i.e 21st September 2020) before the date appointed for the meeting, there has been left at the registered office notice in writing, signed by a member duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which notice is given, of his/her intention to propose such a person for election, and also Notice in writing signed by that person of his/her willingness to be elected. [A Nomination Form is provided below].
NOTE 2. The names of candidates who have consented to stand for election to the Board of Management of the Community Centre, together with the names of their proposers and seconders, shall be given in writing to the Secretary, and shall be posted on the Community Centre Notice Board at least three days prior (by 14th October 2020) to the holding of the Annual General Meeting. [See Nomination Form hereunder].
Ø NOTE 3. Copies of the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements will be available to members at the Community Centre and at www.Skerriesca.com at least seven days prior to the holding of the Annual General Meeting .
Nomination Form
For election to the Board of Directors of SCA CLG or to the Board of Management of Skerries Community Centre [please underline the Board for which you are nominating]
I wish to nominate ____________________________________ for election to the Board of:
Skerries Community Association CLG OR Skerries Community Centre (underline one)
Printed name and signature of Proposer: ____________________ ___________________
I consent to my nomination for election
Signature of nominee _____________________ Date: __________________________
NB: Please return signed Nomination Form to the Community Centre by 14th October, 2020.
Two Tree Talks in Skerries on 12 March 2020

Skerries welcomes Éanna Ní Lamhna (The Tree Council) & Kevin Halpenny (Fingal County Council) for a Tree- and Biodiversity- Focused Evening
About this Event
Are you interested in trees and how they can contribute to life and biodiversity in our town?
On Thursday 12 March, at 8 p.m. sharp (doors open at 7.40), in the Little Theatre, well-known environmentalist and media personality Éanna Ní Lamhna (Vice Chair of The Tree Council) will talk about “The Importance of Trees” – followed by a presentation by Fingal County Council’s Parks Superintendent Kevin Halpenny.
Kevin is in charge of the current review of Fingal’s Tree Strategy and will be talking about “Biodiversity and the Draft Fingal Tree Strategy.”
After the two presentations, there will be time for discussion and questions and answers.
This promises to be a very interesting evening. It is organised by a number of groups with an active interest in trees in Skerries: The Skerries Community Association, Skerries Tidy Towns, Crann Padraig, and Sustainable Skerries. The organisers hope it will inform significantly their input into the draft Tree Strategy, which is currently being drawn up.
- This is a free event, but space is limited, so please book your ticket on SustainableSkerries.Eventbrite.ie