Monthly Archives: June 2022
Draft Minutes of SCA Annual General Meeting, 4th October 2021
2022 Report for the SCA and its Committees
The AGM is free but numbers are limited. Please register now on Eventbrite.

Registered Offices: Skerries Community Centre, Dublin Road, Skerries Co. Dublin
SCA Chair Jane Landy writes: Back in the chair plus arrivals and departures
It’s less than a year since our last AGM (4 October 2021) and Skerries and the world seem to be very different. An end to all Covid restrictions since March 2022 has meant that those committees who rely on holding in-person events have been able to get back to business. Back in September who would have thought that we would be welcoming people fleeing from war-torn Ukraine to our town? (See for more.) And I find myself (an SCA old-timer) “back in the chair”, which is as enjoyable and fulfilling as ever!
Continue readingSkerries Community Association AGM 2022 and Signed SCA Accounts for 2021
The event is free but numbers are limited. Please register now on Eventbrite.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Skerries Community Association CLG (SCA) will be held online via Zoom on Thursday 23rd of June 2022 at 8 pm to transact the Ordinary Business of the Company, that is to say: –
1. To confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
2. To receive and adopt the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for year ended 31 Dec. 2021
3. To elect Directors to the Board of Skerries Community Association CLG
4. To elect Members to Skerries Community Centre Board of Management
5. To reappoint Dempsey Mullen as Auditors and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration
6. To transact any other business proper to an Annual General Meeting of the Company.
Dated this the 1st of June 2022, by order of the Board, Secretary.
NOTE 1. No person other than a Director of the Company retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors, be eligible for election to the office of Director at any general meeting unless, not less than three (i.e. 20 June 2022) nor more than 21 days (i.e. 2nd June 2022) before the date appointed for the meeting, there has been left at the registered office notice in writing, signed by a member duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which notice is given, of his/her intention to propose such a person for election, and also Notice in writing signed by that person of his/her willingness to be elected. [Nomination Form below].
NOTE 2. The names of candidates who have consented to stand for election to the Board of Management of the Community Centre, together with the names of their proposers and seconders, shall be given in writing to the Secretary, and shall be posted on the Community Centre Notice Board at least three days prior (by 20 June 2022) to the holding of the Annual General Meeting. [Nomination Form below].
NOTE 3. Copies of the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements will be available to members at the Community Centre and at at least seven days prior to the holding of the Annual General Meeting.
Nomination Form
Please click here to download the nomination form for printing. Copies are also available from the Community Centre.
For election to the Board of Directors of SCA CLG or to the Board of Management of Skerries Community Centre [please underline the Board for which you are nominating]
I wish to nominate ____________________________________ for election to the Board of:
Skerries Community Association CLG OR Skerries Community Centre Board of Management (underline one)
Printed name and signature of Proposer: ____________________ ___________________
I consent to my nomination for election
Signature of nominee _____________________ Date: __________________________
NB: Please return signed Nomination Form to the Community Centre by 20 June 2022 or by email to
Signed Accounts for 2021
Click on Full Screen for best viewing. Also available to see here.