2023 Jim Quigley Skerries Volunteer of the Year Award for a Group

Skerries Meals on Wheels receiving their award at the SCA AGM, from left to right: Chris Corry, Tina McGee, Lucy Coleman, Frances Hanly, Ethel Birchall, Mary Fanning, Jane Landy (SCA), Hilda Heffernan, Carmel Molloy, Eithne Mallin and Kathleen Garrigan
Skerries Meals on Wheels receiving their award at the SCA AGM, from left to right: Chris Corry, Tina McGee, Lucy Coleman, Frances Hanly, Ethel Birchall, Mary Fanning, Jane Landy (SCA), Hilda Heffernan, Carmel Molloy, Eithne Mallin and Kathleen Garrigan

This award goes to Skerries Meals on Wheels. This group of volunteers has been serving the community of Skerries for over 50 years! They currently ensure the delivery of approximately 750 meals a month. The logistics of getting the right meal to the right person at the right time are smoothly and efficiently handled. Each day requires a team of four volunteer drivers who must all be insured, briefed and Garda vetted. Financial contributions from the recipients must be collected, recorded and banked. It is a huge undertaking and it happens five days a week, all year round!
Moreover, the group was able to maintain this valuable service throughout Covid-19, complying with all restrictions.

Congratulations to Skerries Meals on Wheels and a huge thank you for all your dedication and commitment!
Jane Landy (Chair, The Skerries Community Association)

2023 Jim Quigley Skerries Volunteer of the Year for an Individual

Gráinne Enright at Skerries Mills, receiving her award from Jane Landy (Chair of SCA)
Gráinne Enright at Skerries Mills, receiving her award from Jane Landy (Chair of SCA)

This goes to Gráinne Enright in recognition of all that she has done to welcome and support Ukrainians who have fled the war with Russia and sought refuge in Skerries. Gráinne personally organised accommodation, summer camps, clothes, bicycles, lifts, job opportunities and countless other supports. She was even involved in ensuring that our Ukrainian guests took part in the Skerries St Patrick’s Day Parade!Gráinne also worked on the Skerries Soundwaves Committee for many years and has set up a website to provide free online Maths grinds for secondary school students https://www.brighterminds.ie Her efforts have made a huge difference to the lives of so many people. Thank you Gráinne for all your wonderful work!

Jane Landy (Chair, The Skerries Community Association)

2023 Report: A Look Back on the Past Year

As every year in the run-up to the Annual General Meeting (to which everyone in Skerries is invited!), the chair and the committees of the Skerries Community Association look back on the past twelve months.

We have put together reports and photographs, which will be delivered to households in Skerries over the next week or so.

It will also be available in our community centre, in Skerries Library, Skerries Mills, and in some of the local supermarkets.

And we are also publishing it here (below), for your convenience.

Will we see you at the AGM? It will take place on Thursday 15 June from 8 pm in the Little Theatre, Old Schoolhouse, Skerries Community Centre. There will be refreshments!

Click on the link below if you’d like to see the full PDF.

Notification of Skerries Community Association 2023 Annual General Meeting and Financial Statement

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Skerries Community Association CLG (SCA) will be held in the
Little Theatre on Thursday 15 June 2023 at 8 pm to transact the Ordinary Business of the Company, that is to say: –
1. To confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
2. To receive and adopt the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for year ended 31 Dec. 2022
3. To elect Directors to the Board of Skerries Community Association CLG
4. To elect Members to Skerries Community Centre Board of Management
5. To reappoint Dempsey Mullen as Auditors and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration
6. To transact any other business proper to an Annual General Meeting of the Company.
Dated this the 22 May 2023, by order of the Board, Secretary.
NOTE 1. No person other than a Director of the Company retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the
Directors, be eligible for election to the office of Director at any general meeting unless, not less than three (i.e. 12 June
2023) nor more than 21 days (i.e. 26 May 2023) before the date appointed for the meeting, there has been left at the
registered office notice in writing, signed by a member duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which notice
is given, of his/her intention to propose such a person for election, and also Notice in writing signed by that person of
his/her willingness to be elected. [Nomination Form below].
NOTE 2. The names of candidates who have consented to stand for election to the Board of Management of the
Community Centre, together with the names of their proposers and seconders, shall be given in writing to the Secretary,
and shall be posted on the Community Centre Notice Board at least three days prior (by 12 June 2023) to the holding
of the Annual General Meeting. [Nomination Form below].
NOTE 3. Copies of the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements will be available to members at the Community Centre
and at www.Skerriesca.com at least seven days prior to the holding of the Annual General Meeting.
Nomination forms are in the PDF below and can also be obtained at Skerries Community Centre.

Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ending 31 December 2022

Máire Jones is the Jim Quigley Volunteer of the Year 2022

Jane Landy, Chairperson, Skerries Community Association, and Máire Jones, Jim Quigley Volunteer of the Year 2022 (Photo: John Coleman, SCA)

Every year, the Skerries Community Association (SCA) awards the Jim Quigley Volunteer of the Year title to a group or an individual.

In doing so, the SCA honours the memory of the late Jim Quigley – a man who, like so many of us, was a “blow-in.” He and his wife Brigid came to Skerries in the 1970s. He volunteered in his local Residents Group and from there was drawn to the Skerries Development and Community Association, where his involvement lasted 22 years, ten of them as Chairperson.  Perhaps the most visible legacy of his work in Skerries is the Community Centre, which opened in December 1982. You can read more about him on the SCA website.

Brigid Quigley at the 2022 Award Ceremony. Photo: John Coleman, SCA

This year, the award was made at a particularly fitting and festive occasion – in the context of the Skerries Community Centre 40 Year Celebrations (7 August 2022), and in the presence of Jim’s widow, Brigid. To great applause, SCA chairperson Jane Landy introduced the winner, and Brigid Quigley handed the award to Máire Jones.

Máire at the 2022 Skerries Water Safety Week (photo: Skerries Water Safety on Facebook)

The judges chose her in recognition of the range of her volunteering activities. She is a long-time volunteer with Skerries Water Safety (the winners of the Jim Quigley Award in 2017, by the way),  she maintains the Skerries Community Association website, she is a founder member of Skerries Walking Club, she is one of the more active volunteers with the Skerries Community Garden, she is a Skerries Community Car Volunteer Driver, a Skerries Cycling Without Age Volunteer Pilot, and the Skerries Neighbourhoods WhatsApp Group contact person for The Haven. This year she has also been involved in supporting refugees from the Ukraine who have come to Skerries.

Can you begin to see why the judge picked her out of a very strong field of nominees? Congratulations Máire! Well deserved.

Michael McKenna, Secretary, Skerries Community Association

Nominations invited for Jim Quigley Skerries Volunteers Award 2022

Volunteers are the glue of our community!

Every year, Skerries Community Association awards a prize to an individual or a group of volunteers in appreciation of volunteering work they have done for Skerries. 

Your nominee can be a young person, an adult, or a group – the only thing that matters is that they are deserving prize winners!

Please submit your nomination and supporting text with the reasons why you would like this person/group to get the award so that the judges will be in a position to make a fair decision. Please bear in mind that the judge has to make his evaluation on the information in your nomination so don’t hold back on detailing the reasons and citing evidence of your nominee’s work and achievements.

Nominations to reach award@skerriesca.com by 5 p.m 22 July 2022.

Who was Jim Quigley?

He was a champion of community development; a larger than life personality who was a dreamer and a doer; an idealist and an activist.  Jim was born in 1942 and grew up in Toomevara, County Tipperary.  He attended school firstly in Nenagh and then Mungret College, Limerick.  After moving to Dublin he worked initially in the bar trade and subsequently in sales with Eir (then Telecom Eireann).  In 1970, Jim married Brigid Carolan and shortly afterwards the couple came to live in Skerries, purchasing their home in the newly built Hillside Estate. He started up the residents’ association there and joined the SCA. He drove the huge community effort needed to get the Community Centre funded and built and was for many years chairperson of the Association.

To read more about him and see previous winners of the Award visit https://www.skerriesca.com/jim-quigley-award/

Last updated 5th July 2022