Why has Skerries in County Dublin been named as the best town in the world to live in?

News Talk: This article includes a radio clip of an interview with the author of the article, anthropologist, Daniel Miller https://www.newstalk.com/news/why-has-skerries-been-named-as-the-best-town-in-the-world-1619059

Irish Times: You will need a subscription to Irish Times to view the following article: https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/2023/11/27/unthinkable-its-hard-to-find-anywhere-much-better-than-this-east-coast-town-according-to-a-british-anthropologist/

The Guardian: Plato, pilates and pubs: has an Irish town found the secret to the good life?

Updated 2nd December 2023

Skerries Liaison Committee October 2014

The Skerries Liaison Committee met on the 14th October. This was the first meeting since the local elections and was a good opportunity for the new councillors to familiarise themselves with some of the work that goes on in Skerries and for the contribution of former councillors to be acknowledged.

The meeting received submissions from residents regarding the provision of disabled parking spaces and the use of Irish in the town. There was also a presentation from Skerries Rowing Club on their need for increased facilities as the club has grown in membership. The meeting also received an update on the Floraville community garden and had a discussion on the results of the Tidy Towns competition.

tidy towns 2The provisions for Halloween were also mentioned. The Council advised that any burnable materials that are being stored on public property be reported to the Council as soon as possible for removal. Contact: Operations Section 890 5826

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The Liaison Committee is an informal meeting of community groups (including the SCA) and Fingal County Council officials. The committee meets four times per year and any resident of Skerries can request for a topic to be discussed.

The SCA representatives on the committee are Jane Landy (jane.landy@skerriesca.com) and Geoff McEvoy (geoff.mcevoy@skerriesca.com)