SCA Objects to Milverton Quarry Skerries Plans

Roadstone are planning to fill the quarry at Milverton, just outside Skerries on the Dublin road – we are concerned for a number of reasons!

Today, the formal objection on behalf of Skerries Community Association was submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency.

In it, the Board of Directors of the SCA emphasises

  • the importance of the Mill Stream, which flows from the quarry and through the centre of the town park to the sea, and the danger and consequences of contamination by even small amounts of hazardous material: “Therefore the SCA requests assurances that all material will be fully tested offsite before being transported to the quarry prior to granting of the licence.”
  • the increased volume of traffic on the road to the quarry by up to an extra 26 HGV movements per hour at busy periods on winding and undulating roads extending for over 10 kilometres (Skerries to Blakes Cross).  “The licence should not be granted until a more detailed investigation of the impact on traffic can be made.”
  • the fact that the quarry itself is listed as being of special geological significance by Fingal County Council. “Given its geological importance, further study of the impact of the works on the local ecology needs to be made before granting the licence.”
  • the fact that there is no time limit on the licence: “… the licence should not be granted without some clearly defined limit being in put in place on the duration of activity at the site. “

And the submission concludes: “Until assurances can be made to the local community on all these points, the Skerries Community Association objects to the granting of this licence.”

Read the SCA objection to the Milverton Quarry Skerries plans in full here:

SCA Roadstone Quarry Objection 11 Feb 2015