AGM 2018 Draft Minutes

Annual General Meeting 3 September 2018: Agenda & Minutes

Venue: Little Theatre, Skerries Community Centre, Skerries Co. Dublin


  1. To confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
  2. To receive and adopt the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for year ended 31 Dec. 2017
  3. To elect Directors to the Board
  4. To elect Members to Skerries Community Centre Board of Management
  5. To reappoint Dempsey Mullen as Auditors and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration
  6. To transact any other business proper to an Annual General Meeting of the Company.

The meeting began at 20.10 and closed at 21.30.

Apologies: Cllr. Malachy Quinn.

Public representatives: Brendan Ryan T.D., Senator James Reilly, and Cllrs Tom O’Leary and Grainne Maguire (Deputy Mayor, Fingal) , were in attendance.

In his introductory remarks Geoff McEvoy, reflected on his three year term as Chair. He spoke of the process of building links between the various committees of the SCA and also between those committees and residents of Skerries. This can be complemented by the use of social media but never replaced by it. In April this year the SCA board and member committees held a successful open day in the Skerries Educate Together School to meet and greet the new residents of Barnageera Cove.  He recommended that the SCA repeat roundtable/ meeting of 2015 with all the member committees in the coming year.  Networking and exchanging views can help to improve community life Skerries.

  1. To confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
    The minutes of AGM 2017 were confirmed – proposed by Nunce McAuley and seconded by Dee Langton.
  2. To receive and adopt the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for year ended 31 Dec. 2016

Jane Landy, Director, reported on the financial situation of the SCA and gave explanatory comments on the Financial Statements. The accounts showed a healthy surplus and a good cash position. The reports were proposed by Shay Fanning and seconded by Bob Laird. The AGM adopted the report of the Directors and the Financial Report.

  1. To elect Directors to the Board
    Under Article 43 of the Articles of Association 1/3 of the board directors are required to retire each year. Michael McKenna, Joyce Moore, Mary Marsden and Dee Langton retired and were re-elected.
  2. To elect Members to Skerries Community Centre Board of Management
    The nominees, Susan Ayton and Peter Smith were duly elected.

Two members, Michael Mulryan and Brian Connell, retired by rotation and were re-elected.

  1. To reappoint Dempsey Mullen as Auditors and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration
    The auditors were reinstated and remuneration was authorised. Proposed by Dee Langton and seconded by Ernestine Woelger.
  1. To transact any other business proper to an Annual General Meeting of the Company.

 SCA Committee Reports

Each committee represented at the meeting then gave a short report on activities over the past year. Main points below but for additional information and contact details see flyer delivered pre AGM to households in Skerries

Tidy Town (Anne Doyle):

The great achievement by our town in winning Ireland’s Tidiest Town award in 2016 has generated increased numbers of visitors and interest in the town. The competition is about sustainability, and how we look after our heritage, and wildlife, as well as tidiness.  The elegant sculpture by Shane Holland, now installed on Red Island, commemorates the 2016 winning of Ireland’s Tidiest Town Award by Skerries.

Skerries Cycling Initiative

Ray Ryan (SCI) referred to the recently published Greenway Strategy and funding scheme from government and the progress being made in creating the East Coast Trail. The Baldoyle – Portmanrnock section had received planning permission and should start construction in 2019;  planning was advancing on the Broadmeadow Way section and efforts must continue to progress planning and funding for the Rogerstown to Rush,  Rush to Skerries and (long awaited) Skerries to Balbriggan sections.

 CoderDojo (Tony Graham)

Skerries CoderDojo is a free monthly coding club for young people 7-17.

Ongoing efforts are being made to re-invigorate Skerries CoderDojo.

 Age Friendly Skerries (Nunce McAuley).

A community transport Workshop had taken place earlier in the year followed by a survey to measure travel needs of older residents.  There was no direct link from Skerries to Beaumont Hospital and additional services from Vantastic/Flexibus were much needed.

Older residents would be particularly adversely affected by the Bus Connects proposals unless these were changed.

The lift at Skerries train station is frequently not in operation, a situation which impacts severely on older passengers, some of whom extend their journey to Balbriggan or Lusk and so that they can board a train without having to use the footbridge.

Several contributors, including all public representative present  expressed outrage that this should be happening and indicated that they would pursue the matter.

 Community Centre (Shay Fanning):  Over 50 user groups now avail of the Centre’s facilities. The extension to the Old School was now completed and a new roof has been put on the Community Centre.  Any monies generated are re-invested enabling the Centre to improve the services offered to users.

Town Twinning (Brendan Friel):

Skerries Town Twinning:  The recent visit by Guichen folk to Skerries was very successful. In 2019 Skerries residents will visit Guichen to mark the 25th Anniversary of the signing of the twinning agreement. As well as cultural exchange people learn people in Guichen cope with similar issues to people in Skerries.

Brendan took the opportunity to mention the contribution to Skerries life by groups which are not part of the SCA such as Mens’ Sheds.

Soundwaves (Niamh Quigley):

A new Arts director is being sought and a new Treasurer for the Soundwaves Festival Committee. While a festival will not happen in 2018 there will be music and arts events taking place.

Skatepark Committee (Joyce Moore):

After a five year process construction is due to start in Spring 2019 and completion by end Summer is the goal. Nunce McAuley was thanked for her initiative in getting the Skatepark committee formed.

Rás Stage End Committee (Stephen Stewart)

Skerries has now hosted the Rás  Final Stage end for 13 years and a new sponsor will need to  be found by the end October deadline if the Rás is to take place in 2019.  Skerries is favoured of the organisers not just because of proximity to the airport but also because the riders get such a great welcome in the town.

(ii) The Jim Quigley Award for Volunteer of the Year was awarded to the organisers of                                               Skerries Youth Support Services and accepted on their behalf by Dave Beattie.

JP Browne spoke about the clinical support services that would soon come to the town and referred to the continuing demand for the booklet Myself-My Life which was now on its 3rd print run.

 A number of contributions were made from the floor on various topics:

Bus Connects: (Bob Laird)  What is being proposed for North Fingal is most unsatisfactory and he urged all concerned to make their views known by the 28 September deadline.

Underground passage at train station: a number of contributors referred to the closure of the underground passage as a retrograde step which needs to be reversed. The reasons given by Irish Rail (steps worn and antisocial behaviour) needed to be challenged.

Opening of Barnageera Road at coast road end: The developer may seek to postpone for up to eighteen months while construction is still taking place adjacent to the road. He is understood to be amenable to opening footpath and cyclepath access to the coast road.

There are many traffic management problems likely to emerge when this road is completely open, and a joined up comprehensive approach is needed to improve the safety of all road users.

Residents may notify concerns about traffic in Skerries generally to

Sports facilities: (Frank Coleman) Skerries Town FC would like to pursue the provision of an all weather pitch- open to all codes- for the town. Skerries Athletic Club previously had a long jump where the car park now stands. Shay Fanning considers it might be possible to provide this at far end of the all weather pitch.

Drive Thru Fast Food restaurant at Skerries Point Planning Objection: (Joe O’Brien).

From reading the Planning Officer’s full report (available online), we believe so many of the well-informed observations that many objectors put forward were not fully taken on board and we believe the Planning Department are leaning towards granting permission. An appeal to ABP may be necessary.

Public representatives, Brendan Ryan TD, Cllr. Tom O’Leary and Senator Reilly congratulated the SCA on a successful year of community building and achievement and wished them further success in the coming year.

Brendan Ryan wished Geoff McEvoy well and thanked him for the work he had done.

Geoff McEvoy thanked all those in attendance and thanked the public representatives and officials of Fingal County Council for their support and assistance.

Refreshments were served after the meeting ended.

Minutes by Michael McKenna, Secretary, SCA

2 October 2018